Simon Denny

Simon Denny, ‘Amazon worker cage patent drawing as virtual King Island Brown Thornbill cage (US 9,280,157 B2: “System for transporting personnel within an active workspace”, 2016)’, 2019.
Powder coated metal, MDF, plastic, digital print on cardboard, 270 x 120 x 100cm

Simon Denny, 'Business Insider', 2016, exhibition view.
WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, Belgium

Simon Denny, ’Document Relief 21 (Amazon Worker Cage patent)’, 2020
Inkjet print on archival paper, glue, custom metal wall mount, 29.7 x 21 x 13cm

Simon Denny, 'Secret Power', 2015, exhibition view.
New Zealand Pavilion for the 56th Venice Biennale, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, Italy

Simon Denny, 'Secret Power', 2015, exhibition view.
New Zealand Pavilion for the 56th Venice Biennale, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, Italy

Simon Denny, 'The Innovator’s Dilemma', 2015, exhibition view.
MoMA PS1, New York, United States

Simon Denny, 'Mine', 2019-2020, exhibition view.
MONA | Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Australia

Simon Denny, ’Centralized vs Decentralized Conway’s Game of Life Box Lid Overprint: Inspired by TripAdvisor (Facebook Big Basin v2 AI/ML Hardware vs DIY GPU Bitcoin PoW Miner)’, 2019
UV print on 'Game of Life: Trip Advisor' box lid, 35 x 48cm