Michael Stevenson

Michael Stevenson, ‘The Cheap Heat’, 2021, (Incl. Color Television Camera Fese KC U 40, 1969/76; Zoom Lens Schneider Variogon, ca. 1967; Loan Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin).
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Disproof Does Not Equal Disbelief’, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2021.

Michael Stevenson, ‘Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare’, 2014-2021.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Disproof Does Not Equal Disbelief’, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2021.

Michael Stevenson, ‘The Interviewers Chair’, 2017.
Herman Miller 'Aeron' chair chassis, plastic manhole cover, mesh fabric.
131 x 76.5 x 64cm.

Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Disproof Does Not Equal Disbelief’, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2021.

Michael Stevenson, ‘Serene Velocity In Practice: MC510/CS183’, 2018.
Exhibition detail, MUMA, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.

Michael Stevenson, ‘Serene Velocity In Practice: MC510/CS183’, 2018.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Disproof Does Not Equal Disbelief’, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2021.

Michael Stevenson, ‘Serene Velocity In Practice: MC510/CS183’, 2018.
Exhibition detail, MUMA, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.

Michael Stevenson, ‘The Fountain of Prosperity (Answers to Some Questions About Bananas)’, 2006.
Plexiglas, steel, brass, aluminium, rubber, cork, string, concrete, dyed water, pumps and fluorescent lamps.
245 × 157 × 111cm.

Michael Stevenson, ‘A Life of Crudity, Vulgarity, and Blindness’, 2012.
Plexiglas, cardboard, wood, steel, mirror, buttermilk, sunlight.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘A Life of Crudity, Vulgarity, and Blindness’, Portikus, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 2012.

Michael Stevenson, ‘The Smiles Are Not Smiles’, 2005.
Bricks, gold leaf, chipboard, oil paint.
600 x 600 x 300cm.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Art of the Eighties and Seventies’, Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany, 2005.

Michael Stevenson, ‘15qm Kämmerchen mit einem Bett’, 2005.
Clay, soil, steel, steel, wood.
1370 x 1370 x 580cm.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Art of the Eighties and Seventies’, Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany, 2005.

Michael Stevenson, from ‘Revolution in NZ’, 2002.
Photocopy and silkscreen on hand-dyed paper, each approx 58 x 40cm.
Exhibition detail, ‘Michael Stevenson’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia, 2011.

Michael Stevenson, ‘Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare’, 2014-2021.
Exhibition detail, Michael Stevenson, ‘Disproof Does Not Equal Disbelief’, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin 2021.